Monday, July 28, 2014

New experiences!

Hi! I am overcome with excitement, nerves and curiosity as I am about to embark on a journey of service in the mystical land of India. The first stop is Delhi for a few days to adjust to the time zone and purchase appropriate clothing. From there I will go to Varanasi. This area of India is home to the Ganges River and is one of the holiest cities for Hindus. It is also home to a large Buddhist population. In addition to the two beautiful religions with many followers, this region is also home to monkeys, cows and lots of wild dogs! My temporary home will be right next to the Buddhas Smile School which gives children from the "untouchable" caste a chance for education in a loving environment. Teaching English to these kids is something I am both excited and nervous about since I want to make sure I do my very best for them. I have no doubts that I will learn from them as well. Not completely sure of what lies ahead of me but that is what makes a wonderful adventure and an experience which can be life changing. Until my next update, positive energy, light and love to you all :)

1 comment:

  1. Remember we see the same moon and the same sun warms us.
    Live and let die!
