Thursday, August 21, 2014

ABC's and brushing teeth

Something as simple as the ABC's or brushing our teeth does not seem like a special treat to a lot of us in the states, but for these kids it brings lots of joy.
Started off my morning by singing the ABC's with the nursery class and upper kindergarten class. They were so excited to sing and all wanted to be the loudest one in the room. I loved seeing how all their faces would light up as we finished the song and we would all clap for each other. After singing I gave each student a sticker to congratulate them on their progress :)

Every morning each class goes downstairs to wash their hands, faces and brush their teeth. It's a beautiful thing because many of these children don't have access to clean water at home or have not been taught about personal hygiene. Some children even had to be taught by the teachers how to properly use a toilet because at home they just go out in the open. I admire the love and attention all the teachers give to the students because being clean also helps reduce their chances for illness or skin infections.

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