Friday, August 15, 2014

India Independence Day and making bracelets

Friday August 15, 2014 was the 68th Independence Day for India. The children celebrated with lots of song and dance plus Rajan got them special treats. Every child showed up to school which was rare and all of them were thrilled to celebrate. There was so much pride in their nation expressed through song and dance. I am so happy I was able to be part of this special day.
In the words of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi: "We have had enough of divisiveness and communal wounds inflicted on Mother India. Peace and brotherhood will give strength to take the country forwards. I am sure it can be done."

On Saturday I taught another art class and this time we made bracelets. I brought beads with me from home and learned that these style of beads are not available in India so the kids were thrilled to have something no other children would have. It was a very rewarding experience because the children's faces would light up when I would give them beads and they were so excited to show off what they made. 


  1. The braclets are very nice, and how awesome you celebrated India's independence. Just wondering, has the package arrived yet?

    1. Hey Rosa! Yes, the package arrived :) Thank you.
